Monday, February 11, 2008

The Test .

I failed my first driving test . I was disappointed . So was my father .

I remembered that day very well . Just my luck !! I got a scary guy for a tester . He was unfriendly and didn’t bother to make me feel at ease .

I was nervous …frozen solid . I was not feeling confident at all . I did the parking…… this guy observed everything . Next , it was time to hit the road . He got in the car and told me to move .

We drove into town …….at that time of the morning , it was at its most busiest . My hands were sweaty and I swear I could not feel my legs at all . Either they fell asleep or just evaporated into thin air . The car still moved forward though and did not stopped mid way . I tried not to make any mistakes .

The tester prodded me to drive into the busiest section of the town . This guy had no mercy at all . There was a traffic light in the middle of town . Unlucky me ………the lights turned red and I had to stop . I looked in the rear mirror and saw a couple of other cars behind . My heart beat faster . The lights changed to green …..and I was off … fast that the car tyres screeched as it “ picked up ” . He did not say anything . I knew he took a look at me and maybe he was thinking … trying to kill me or what ? I knew I failed the test ….round one .

I thought that was the end of it . On the way back to “ base ” , this guy signaled to me to turn right ……..where this road led to the steepest hill in town . I drove up the hill and at its steepest gradient he told me to stop ; which I did . My leg firmly on the brake……….as my left hand changed the gear to neutral and pulled up the hand brake . Then he asked me to switch off the car engine . The car did not slipped down hill . Hooray !!!!!!

Then he asked me to switch on the car engine . I put the car into gear one ………with my leg on the clutch and the other leg firmly on the brake pedal . Then I released the hand brake ………and the leg that was on the brake pedal was supposed to move to the gas pedal ……so as to move the car up as the hand brake was released .

Somehow it didn’t turn out that way and I found the car was sliding down hill . That was when I panicked . I can’t recall how I managed to make my way to base . I blew away my chance of getting that plastic card .

I failed . To add insult to injury ……he said “ You are a dangerous driver ” as he stalked off . Boo hoo!!!

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