Tuesday, October 7, 2008

So , How Was Your Raya ?

When I'm home at the kampong , blogging is the least on my mind . A good excuse is I have no work station . There is the dining table but its quite a hassle having to pack and unpack as the table is needed for " berbuka puasa " time . Its not that I am hibernating ; I'm there to savor kampong life , of its simple life ...where neighbors took the time to smile and greet you and we catch up on each others news . At that time , kampong life does not stimulate my mind to write in my blog .

Now life is back to normal . For a start , I'll share some photos of my family taken during Raya with the family .

Family photo with my brothers and sisters who were able to make it home . A time for forgiveness , of excitement , joy and of shedding tears . A time for bringing the family closer .

A time for my father to hug and get close to his youngest grandson .

We were one of those thousands of Malaysian people who made a bee line for home . An " anak perantau " , mind you . No matter where you are , home sweet home beckons you .

That includes these two twins . Making their way home to Indonesia . Most took advantage of the long holiday to meet old and make new friends , of visiting friends .....

and meeting the family .....a picture must be taken of first cousins together ( above )....for those who are able to make it home this year .....

...........of asking for forgiveness..................which a must activity on early raya morning . That's my sis Bibi and my father .

........of bonding with the family again ......like this picture of my son Amir and my elder brother , Elwi . They look alike ...an uncle and nephew reunion .

..........again a reunion with the girls first cousins only .

Nor forgetting a pix of my growing up children .............

plus a pix of Yasmin hugging my father .To my father, Yasmin is known as " Amoi " , he never could call her by her name .

of showing off new baju kurung and new sandals .........

which belongs to this little girl ....my father's great grand daughter ...who was in a foul mood that morning . I dont blame her ...she was just irritated by the constant kissing of her chubby face .......touching her hair etc. etc ...she was just so cute ............!!

Then there's another of father's great grandchild who just loves having her photo taken .

Then there were four days of full swing activities , of stuffing yourself with food ....goodilicious food .....cakes and biscuits ...before leaving for home at " Farmer's River "

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