Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Salam Aidil Adha

We will be celebrating Hari Raya Aidil Adha in two days time . When I was young , I call this festival as Hari Raya Haji or Hari Raya Korban .

All the muslims in the world will be celebrating this wondrous and religious occasion . The atmosphere is most felt for those muslims who are doing their pilgrimage to Mecca . A once in a life time trip . If you have the means you can perform the Hajj a couple of times if you want to .

Insyaallah , I hope to go too and do the pilgrimage with my family .

For those muslims who are not performing the Hajj , this religious occasion will still be celebrated on a moderate scale . The day will start off with prayers at the mosque . A couple of cows , goats or sheeps will be slaughtered as sacrifice .

I will not be with my father to celebrate this occasion . My other siblings will be there with him . I think my heartstrings will be tugged tremendously when I hear the " takbir " being performed on that day and the next couple of days ...praising ALLAH SWT. Tears will flow as hearing the takbir is so so so " Syahdu " ...it made you paused and stopped in your tracks and reflect for a while the greatness of ALLAH SWT .

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