Wednesday, January 9, 2008

The Muslim New Year - Maal Hijrah

Tomorrow is 10th January 2008 . It is Awal Muharram ; an important day for muslims . It falls on the first day ( Awal means beginning ) of the month of Muharam ; the first month of the Islamic calendar . In other words it is the Muslim New Year .

It is also known as Maal Hijrah . Maal Hijrah refers to the migration of our Prophet Mohammad Mecca to Medina in the year 622AD. Hijrah also means the move or change of one self from bad to being good . A starting point for one to evaluate oneself and to further improve himself or herself for self achivement .

Various religious activities will be held .Most mosques would hold special prayers and sermons . Koranic verses would be recited .

So here's wishing every muslims in the world " May Allah SWT bless us on this new beginning , a new day , new opportunities for us and bless us for good health , good wealth and prosperity . Amin . "

Remember once you are blessed and successful in your life not forget ALLAH SWT .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very thoughtfull post on personal achivement. It should be very much helpfull

Karim - Creating Power