Wednesday, March 10, 2010

So Unexpected .....

A Wow...Wednesday today.

I was struggling to finish altering and re - sewing Yasmin's pants . Wish she told me earlier that she need a new pair . A last minute of frantic buying . You will not find one that is of your size . And you need to use it the next day . And look good too . After all it is Sports Day at the school and you are one of the Girl Guides .

A size bigger ....too long and too big ....funny thing is the waist fits Yasmin . What choice do we have ? It was a whole night of altering . Then had to wait the next morning to see if it fits her . She was asleep by then . Yep ...still slightly too loose and frumpy looking . Out came the scissors ...snipped here and there ; sewed the seams and it was done ; by 1030am .

Then her call came . She said she will be bringing 2 of her friends home. Is it alright ? No ...its not alright because I have not done my cleaning and sweeping ....snippets of the trousers are still on the floor . The laundry is not done and I only have fish for lunch . But I didn't say this to her .

Amazing mum was super fast ...and by 1230 lunch was ready . Ya , she managed to sweep the staircase and cleaned the bathroom . Guests will be using this for goodness sake ....

Yasmin and her friends and who are my guests ....ate the simple ' Laksa Sarawak ' which was hastily prepared ; sweat and toiled in the kitchen ...that was me for the next hour and a half . Of course the girls were not to be seen ...for Yasmin had spirited them off to her room .

The one person I need to thank is son Amir ; he helped me clean the prawns and bean sprouts too . Last but not least dear hubby was there too to send them to school in the afternoon time for the Sports Day . Whew !!

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