Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Yippie !

I'm all alone ; dear hubby is on the way to pick up Amir and Yasmin . Its not a whole afternoon ...just an hour to and fro trip to the school . Then the house is alive again . I tell you this house is exhausted and needs its me time too. We two are embracing each other now ...cuddling up and enjoying this short ' times out . '

I just want to sit down ...enjoy the quiet moments ...this mommy is allowed to do that , right ?

So how was my day ...as from 0530 till 1330 hours ? Imagine this ....a typical weekday consists of making breakfast ...then lunch ...then dinner . In between ..I sent the two teenagers to school ...pick them up . Did the daily laundry too , then folded the freshly dried clothes .

Getting mails in the letterbox is getting rare ; only the monthly bills thought they are worth dropping by and make their presence known . The mails I received are the e mails ; most are forwarded articles ...but I do appreciate friends who remembered to forward to me ....thanks guys . At least I know I am in your thoughts . Bless you !

Checked out the Facebook ...cyber drop on my friends and peep into their lives for a while . Some are close friends , some are childhood friends , some are those you know but never did get close enough to know and yet we give them a nod and smile when we crossed each others' path a long time ago . Now we are friends in cyberspace ....

Oh ya ! There's the ironing to do when I'm in the mood to pick up that dreadful tool . Hope you get the picture . I have not swept my house . I wish I have more me time ; for me to sew ....but now just want to let you know ...this is my actual me time .

Flowers to cheer me up !

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello there,
Good to see you blogging again.Always enjoy reading your blogs-yr ayats and words are 'delicious'.Guess results of all the comics etc etc.
Looking forward to more ....