Monday, August 18, 2008

Yes....!! I Did It !!

Yesterday I created my own personal history . For the first time in my life ........I made my own BUNS......which all these time seems so elusive .

Before that I had to attend a short baking class ...the basics of making your own bread .I sloughed away that morning for four hours ...learning the techniques ....kneading away with my bare hands . All these for a mere RM20 . Worth every cent ....!!!

Don't get me wrong ....making your own bread / buns is so time consuming . I am not complaining but its worth every minute doing it. I need the help of Mr. Sunshine for the dough to rise . And when it did , the dough was wonderful to work with , soft and not sticky .

I did not add any nuts or spices in this start up project of mine . I just want to get the real taste of buns .

In the oven it went , the smell was fabulous .

Once done , the taste was wonderful as well . It left a smile on my face .

Then it was back to cleaning up the kitchen . Sigh !!

1 comment:

ZirodZen said...

ya rabbi! Sedapnyeee! Recipe dehh! Boleh tahanlah kawan kitak tok...very creative.. hantar hantarlah dengan kamek k.