Friday, April 11, 2008

My Bapak

Oh my gosh !!! I forgot !!!

Yesterday was my bapak's birthday . He is 84 years old . My sister said that they had a gathering last night at the kampong . How I wished I was there .

Anyway .....Happy Birthday Bapak . You know we all love you ..........!!!!

Now , this is my bapak . The one and only Poli Abdul Rahman . Why Poli ? Asked my friends .
So un - malay for a malay man ...that's what they said . So what ? You have a problem with that ?

Strange maybe to others .....maybe not so for my grandmother . Maybe in her family , there was a Poli there .

This is him as a teenager . Probably about 16 years old . He said he entered the work force at a young age .

Bapak as a police constable . Never did ask him how long he was in the force before quitting to join Sarawak Shell Berhad .

Bapak ......and his colleagues at Sarawak Shell Berhad .

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