Sunday, April 6, 2008

Sunday Morning

Another hot sunny day ; which is fine . I have my usual loads of clothes out there . The sun will help dry them ...and by the time I pick them up in the late afternoon they will be ready for folding and stored away in the wardrobes . Some will need to be ironed which I hateeeeeeeeeeeee the most .

The beef stew is being cooked now ....over a slow fire .....simmering away . I'm just taking this opportunity to update my blog .

Two days ago Indian neighbor lighted up their incense and oh my gosh ..the smell practically drove me round the bend . Then they had to ring the bell ...perhaps for prayer time . Then another did the same thing ...then another . I just had to close up my house as the smell permeated thru . And the rang and it rang ..........!!!! Goodness...!!

Anyway , I so call hid myself away in the kitchen and did my cooking .

I pounded the ingredients using my faithful " lesung batu " then fried them .

Menu was " ikan pari masak asam pedas ."

Both my children love this simple dish .

As mummy was on feeling " rajin " , she boiled some chicken carcass to make chicken stock . Once cold , some were stored away in the fridge . Some were used for making the gravy for our chicken chop .

Here it is my " chicken chop with special gravy ". As usual , my daughter said " Its the best in the world " .

Oh well .......when it comes from my daughter better believe it . She is not one to mince words . If its bad ....its bad . And she say it like this .....yunno ...I don't mean to offend you ....but this taste bad ...........!!!! That's Yasmin for you .

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